Corner Posts
Decorative and structural corner posts are one of the most classic forms of architecture, and Solar Innovations® can design your glass structure to include decorative posts. All posts are constructed from either extruded aluminum or copper columns. There are no standard sizes or shapes that you must adhere to in regards to corner posts, and Solar Innovations® will work with you to design the perfect posts for your enclosure.
The posts can be traditionally modeled to include the plinth and capital. They can be fluted, flat, or styled after a Doric or Egyptian column. There are also designs available for contemporary glass structures; a common design is to simply add a base and radius the columns. If you have a design in mind, feel free to discuss it with a Solar Innovations® sales representative.
Posts are suitable for both interior and exterior designs. Solar Innovations® can design the interior or exterior of the space to include posts at the corners of the room, between windows, or both. Short and full-length columns are possiblities, as well. All posts are available in seven standard colors and any custom color you may require.