Solar Innovations® is dedicated to providing safe, high-performance products to all of our customers. Every product line goes through a stringent process in our in-house testing facility, offering results quickly and efficiently. Our products are continually tested as design improvements are introduced. Certification is granted under the watchful eye of nationally-recognized laboratories. Many of our products meet Florida, NFRC, TDI, and Acoustical requirements.

Solar Innovations’® Quality Assurance Program is certified by the National Accreditation & Management Institute (NAMI). NAMI specializes in fenestration products, which includes windows, patio doors, skylights, sidelights, entrance doors, transoms, glazing wall systems, site-built products, and insulating glass. NAMI is accredited by ANSI and IAS and is required to operate under ISO Guide 65 and ISO Standard 17020. As a participant of NAMI, Solar Innovations’® Quality Assurance Program is required to comply with ISO Guide 53.

Simulation results or preliminary results can be provided before actual final testing is completed. Testing can also be performed on specific custom products on a case-by-case basis. Units can be considered certified, to fit any rough opening, as long as the individual panel sizes haven’t exceeded the size of like panels that have been certified.

Please contact us if you need a specific requirement which is not listed – we are here to help.

Testing Results

In-House Thermal Simulations

Product Data
Folding Glass Walls Download PDF
Fixed Modular Terrace Door Download PDF
Lift-Slide Doors Download PDF
Pivot Door Download PDF
Slide & Stack Doors Download PDF
Sliding Glass Door Download PDF
Terrace Door Download PDF
G2 International Windows Download PDF
G3 International Windows Download PDF
Mulled Window Systems Download PDF
Curtain Wall Download PDF
Wood Curtain Wall Download PDF
Skylights Download PDF
Walkable Skylights Download PDF
Pan Flashing Skylights Download PDF
Eave Vents Download PDF
Ridge Vents Download PDF

NFRC Thermal Testing

Product NFRC Data
SI3000 G2 Thermally Improved Folding Glass Wall NFRC Link
SI2250 G2 French Terrace Door NFRC Link
SI33350 G3 LT Aluminum Folding Glass Wall NFRC Link
SI8200 Sliding Glass Door NFRC Link
SI8600 G3 Lift & Slide NFRC Link
SI8600 G3 Sliding Door NFRC Link
SI33330 G3 Modular Terrace Door NFRC Link
SI17400 Thermally Broken Casement NFRC Link
SI7712 G2 Casement Window NFRC Link
SI7500 G2 IWS Tilt Turn Window NFRC Link
SI17400 Thermally Broken FIxed NFRC Link
SI33359 G3 Modular Terrace NFRC Link
SI5208 Aluminum Window Wall NFRC Link
SI7711 G2 International Awning NFRC Link
SI7811 G3 International Awning Window NFRC Link
SI7400 MWS Awning Window NFRC Link
SI7700 G2 International Hopper Window NFRC Link
SI5600 Welded Curb Skylight NFRC Link
SI5206 Pan Flashing Thermally – Improved Skylight NFRC Link

Florida Testing

Impact Testing

SI3000 G2 Folding Glass Wall
FL #12278.1 90 No Post Infold Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
FL #12278.2 Outfold All wall Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 12 PSF Yes
FL #12278.3 Outfold Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
FL #12278.4 Infold Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
FL #12278.5 Outfold Not Reinforced 36″ 90″ Up to ±55 PSF Up to 4 PSF No
FL #12278.7 Infold Radius Wall Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±70 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
SI3000 G3 Folding Glass Wall
FL #13407.1 Outfold 3′ x 10′ 36″ 120″ Up to ±70 PSF Up to 10.5 PSF No
FL #13407.2 90° No Post Infold — Flush Sill 3’6″ 114″ Up to ±55 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
FL #13407.3 90° No Post Infold — Standard Sill 3’6″ 114″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
FL #13407.4 90° No Post — Outfold 3’6″ 114″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
FL #13407.5 Infold Standard Rail 3’6″ 114″ Up to ±70 PSF Up to 9 PSF Yes
FL #13407.6 Outfold Standard Rail 3’6″ 114″ Up to ±70 PSF Up to 12 PSF Yes
FL #13407.7 Outfold Lite Rail 3’6″ 114″ Up to ±50 PSF Up to 12 PSF Yes
SI8000 Sliding Glass Doors & SI8600 Lift Slide Doors
FL #16028.1 G2 Sliding Glass Door 6012 99″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 12 PSF Yes
FL #16028.2 G2 Sliding Glass Door (Non-HVHZ) 6012 99″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #17268.1 G3 Sliding Door (90° No Post) 6012 11438 Up to ±60 PSF Up to 8 PSF No
FL #17268.3 G3 Multi-Track Sliding Glass Door 6334 11438 Up to ±70 PSF Up to 10.6 PSF No
FL #17287.1 G3 Lift Slide Door 6334 11438 Up to ±70 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
SI2000 Swing Doors
FL #17582.2 G2 Outswing Terrace w/Sidelites 39″ 10838 Up to ±50 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #17582.3 G2 Outswing Terrace w/Sidelites (HP Sill) 321116 9312 Up to ±50 PSF Up to 6 PSF No
FL #17582.4 G3 LT Outswing French 44″ 10418 Up to ±40 PSF Up to 12 PSF Yes
Curtain Walls
SI5100 Curtain walls
FL #18578.1 2X4 — Aluminum Fixed 60″ 90″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #18578.2 G2 HGB – Aluminum Fixed 60″ 120″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 20 PSF No
SI7000 Window Systems
FL #17265.1 G2 International Awning Window 36″ 72″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #17265.2 G2 International Hopper Window 48″ 32″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 9.8 PSF No
FL #17266.1 G2 International Casement Window 36″ 72″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #17267.1 G2 International Fixed Window 36″ 72″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 15 PSF No
FL #22640.1 G2 International HP Tilt Turn Window 60″ 99″ Up to ±60 PSF Up to 20 PSF No
SI5200 Skylights
FL #11259.1 Flat Welded Curb Skylight 36″ 72″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 30 PSF Yes
FL #11259.2 Variable Pitch Welded Curb Skylight 48″ 6612 Up to ±65 PSF Up to 30 PSF Yes
SI5200 Structure
FL #32489.1 Lean-To Structure 3558 7678 Up to ±65 PSF Up to 15 PSF Yes

Non-Impact Testing

SI3000 G2 Folding Glass Wall
FL #12278.6 Outfold Not Reinforced 36″ 90″ Up to ±55 PSF Up to 4 PSF No
FL #12279.2 90° No Post Infold Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF No
FL #12279.3 Infold Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF No
FL #12279.4 Outfold All-Wall Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #12279.5 Outfold Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #12279.6 Infold Radius Wall Aluminum Reinforced 36″ 96″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF No
SI3000 G3 Folding Glass Wall
FL #14399.1 90° No Post Infold — Flush Sill 42″ 114″ Up to ±55 PSF Up to 9 PSF No
FL #14399.2 90° No Post Infold — Standard Sill 42″ 114″ Up to ±80 PSF Up to 9 PSF No
FL #14399.3 Lie Rail Infold/Outfold Aluminum 42″ 114″ Up to ±50 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
FL #14399.4 Standard Infold Aluminum 42″ 114″ Up to ±70 PSF Up to 9 PSF No
FL #14399.5 Standard Infold/Outfold Aluminum 42″ 114″ Up to ±70 PSF Up to 12 PSF No
SI8000 Sliding Glass Doors
FL #16028.3 G2 Sliding Glass Door 6012 99″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 12 PSF Yes
FL #17268.2 G3 Sliding Door (90° No Post) 6012 11438 Up to +55/-60 PSF Up to 8 PSF No
FL #17268.4 G3 Multi-Track Sliding Glass Door 6334 11438 Up to ±70 PSF Up to 10.6 PSF No
SI2100 G2 Pivot Doors
FL #12279.1 Pivot Aluminum 62916 10078 Up to ±30 PSF Limited/None No
SI3200 G2 Stacking Glass Walls
FL #12279.7 Stack Wall Thermally Broken Aluminum 34116 90716 Up to ±40 PSF Limited/None No
Curtain Walls
SI5100 Curtain Walls
FL #18578.3 G2 HGB – Aluminum Fixed 60″ 120″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 20 PSF No
SI7000 Window Systems
FL #17265.3 G2 International Hopper Window 48″ 32″ Up to ±65 PSF Up to 9.8 PSF No
SI5200 Skylights
FL #11259.3 Variable Pitch Welded Curb Skylight 48″ 6612 Up to ±65 PSF Up to 30 PSF No

Acoustical Testing

Report Number Glass Type Product Type Panel Width Panel Height STC Rating OITC Rating
F3179.01 118” IG (14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 12” Air, 38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Standard Sill or Recessed Standard 4478 9012 39 32
F3179.02 118” IG (14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 12” Air, 38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Recessed Ramp Sill or Recessed Flush Sill 4478 9012 34 29
F3184.01 118” IG (14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 12” Air, 38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Standard Sill or Recessed Standard 4478 9012 39 32
F3184.02 118” IG (14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 12” Air, 38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Recessed Ramp Sill or Recessed Flush Sill 4478 9012 38 31
L0249.02-113-11-R0 1916” IG (38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 PVB Interlayer, 34” Air, 38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 PVB Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Standard Sill or Recessed Standard Sill 45″ 92″ 45 35
L0249.01-113-11-R0 1916” IG (316” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer 316” Annealed Laminated, 34” Air, 316” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer 316” Annealed Laminated) – Cardinal Glass Recessed Flush Sill 45″ 92″ 44 35
F3159.01 1” IG (14” Tempered, 12” Air, 14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass 3614 7712 33 29
C2184.01 138” IG (14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 34” Air, 38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass 3612 7658 42 36
E3296.01 114” IG (14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 34” Air, 14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer – Cardinal Glass 3614 7812 38 30
L12446.01 1916” IG (38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 34” Air, 38” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Tank Sill 4234 9214 36 31
L2446.03-113-11-R0 1916” IG (316” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer 316” Annealed Laminated, 34” Air, 316” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer 316” Annealed Laminated) – Cardinal Glass Dust-Proof Floor Strike 4234 9214 41 32
F3348.01 1516” IG (14” Annealed Laminated w/.030 Acoustical Interlayer, 34” Air, 14” Annealed Laminated .030 Acoustical Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Tank Sill 4078 86916 32 28
F3157.01A1 114” IG (14” Annealed Laminated, 34” Air, 14” Tempered) – Cardinal Glass 3718 7712 32 25
F3352.01 1” IG (316” Tempered, 916” Air, 14” Tempered) – Cardinal Glass G2 Mod TD with Sidelite, Standard Sill 36” 96″ 35 28
G3494.01 1116” IG (316” Tempered, 716” Air, 716” Lami w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G2 Mod TD, Standard Sill 39716 831116 37 31
G5135.01 1116” IG (316” Ann, 716 Air, 716” Lami w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G3 Mod TD, Standard Sill 4714 108” 37 31
G3495.01 1116” IG (316” Tempered, 716” Air, 716” Lami w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G2 Mod French, Standard Sill 371332 831116 38 31
G5134.01 1116” IG (316” Ann, 716 Air, 716” Lami w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G3 Mod French, Standard Sill 39716 831116 37 30
F3242.01 1” IG (316” Tempered, 916” Air, 14” Tempered) – Cardinal Glass G2 Intl HP TnT 4714 59” 35 28
G3481.01 1” IG (316” Tempered, 916” Air, 516” Annealed Laminated w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G2 Intl Awning 5918 2358 35 28
G3479.01 1” IG (316” Tempered, 916” Air, 516” Annealed Laminated w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G2 Intl Casement 2358 59” 36 29
G3478.01 1” IG (316” Tempered, 916” Air, 516” Annealed Laminated w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G2 Intl Fixed 4714 59” 35 29
Aluminum Structures
G3482.01 1116” IG (316” Tempered, 716” Air, 716” Annealed Laminated w/.090SGP) – Cardinal Glass G2 HGB 40” 80” 33 28
H8180.01 1116” IG (14” Tempered, 12” Air, 516” Annealed Laminated w/.060 PVB Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass Cladding – Standard or Recessed Standard Sill 25” 8612 35 30
H8180.02 1116” IG (14” Tempered, 12” Air, 516” Annealed Laminated w/.060 PVB Interlayer) – Cardinal Glass No Cladding – Standard Sill or Recessed Standard Sill 25” 8612 36 31

Glass Testing

Overall Unit
U-value R-Value Solar Heat
Gain Coefficient
Visible Light
Clear 1/4″ 1.02 0.91 0.82 88% 8% 8% 62%
DOUBLE GLAZED Outside Lite/Inside Lite
Clear/Clear 1″ 0.46 2.17 0.78 82% 15% 15% 58%
180/Clear 1″ 0.26 3.85 0.64 79% 15% 15% 29%
272/Clear 1″ 0.25 4.00 0.41 72% 11% 12% 16%
366/Clear 1″ 0.24 4.17 0.27 65% 11% 12% 5%
340/Clear 1″ 0.25 4.00 0.18 39% 11% 13% 2%
180/i89 1″ 0.21 4.76 0.62 77% 15% 14% 27%
272/i89 1″ 0.20 5.00 0.41 70% 11% 11% 16%
366/i89 1″ 0.20 5.00 0.27 63% 11% 11% 5%
340/i89 1″ 0.20 5.00 0.17 38% 11% 12% 2%
Gray/Clear 1″ 0.45 2.22 0.60 57% 9% 13% 32%
Gray/180 1″ 0.26 3.85 0.49 53% 9% 14% 17%
Gray/272 1″ 0.25 4.00 0.38 50% 8% 9% 10%
Bronze/Clear 1″ 0.45 2.22 0.62 61% 10% 13% 31%
Bronze/180 1″ 0.26 3.85 0.61 59% 10% 14% 17%
Bronze/272 1″ 0.25 4.00 0.39 54% 8% 10% 10%
TRIPLED GLAZED Outside Lite/Middle Lite/Inside Lite
180/Clear/180 118 0.15 6.67 0.56 70% 20% 20% 13%
272/Clear/180 118 0.15 6.67 0.37 63% 15% 18% 8%
366/Clear/180 118 0.15 6.67 0.25 57% 14% 18% 2%
340/Clear/180 118 0.15 6.67 0.16 34% 13% 19% 1%

Polycarbonate Testing

Product Thickness Color Light Transmission (SHGC) Structure Rib Spacing Weight (Lbs. per sq. ft.) U-Value R-Value Bending Radius STC
Thermoclear 15 5/16” (8mm) Clear 0.82 2-wall 25/64” (10mm) 0.348 0.57 1.75 55″ 18
Thermoclear 15 5/16” (8mm) Softlite 0.77 2-wall 25/64” (10mm) 0.348 0.57 1.75 55″ 18
Thermoclear 15 1″ (25mm) Clear 0.69 3-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.660 0.34 2.94 173″ 23
Thermoclear 15 1″ (25mm) Softlite 0.67 3-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.660 0.34 2.94 173″ 23
CoverLite 1″ (25mm) Clear 0.71 3-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.660 0.34 2.94 173″ 23
CoverLite 1″ (25mm) Opal 0.51 3-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.660 0.34 2.94 173″ 23
CoverLite 1″ (25mm) Bronze NA 3-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.660 0.34 2.94 173″ 23
Thermoclear Plus 1″ (25mm) Clear 0.65 6-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.700 0.27 3.70 173″ 23
Thermoclear Plus 1″ (25mm) Opal 0.54 6-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.700 0.27 3.70 173″ 23
Thermoclear Plus 1″ (25mm) Bronze 0.42 6-wall 25/32” (20mm) 0.700 0.27 3.70 173″ 23

Sill Water Performance

SI3000 G2 Folding Glass Wall – Water Performance


Surface Mount ADA Sill

Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Surface Mount Sill

Surface Mount Sill

Limited/no water performance

Thermal Surface Mount ADA Sill

Thermal Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance


Standard Sill

Standard Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Flushed Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

SI3000 G2 Folding Glass Wall – Water Performance


Surface Mount ADA Sill

Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Surface Mount Sill

Surface Mount Sill

Limited/no water performance

Thermal Surface Mount ADA Sill

Thermal Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance


Standard Sill

Standard Sill

12PSF lab water performance

8PSF field water performance

Recessed Flush Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

12PSF lab water performance

8PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

12PSF lab water performance

8PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

SI3000 G3 Folding Glass Wall – Water Performance


Surface Mount ADA Sill

Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Surface Mount Sill

Surface Mount Sill

Limited/no water performance

Thermal Surface Mount ADA Sill

Thermal Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance


Standard Sill

Standard Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Flush Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

SI3000 G3 Folding Glass Wall – Water Performance


Surface Mount ADA Sill

Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

ADA Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Recessed Flush Hat Sill

Limited/no water performance

Surface Mount Sill

Surface Mount Sill

Limited/no water performance

Thermal Surface Mount Sill

Thermal Surface Mount ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance


Standard Sill

Standard Sill

12PSF lab water performance

8PSF field water performance

Recessed Flush Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

12PSF lab water performance

8PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

Recessed Flush Sill

Recessed Flush Sill

9PSF lab water performance

6PSF field water performance

Recessed Standard Sill

Recessed Standard Sill

12PSF lab water performance

8PSF field water performance

Recessed Ramp Sill

Recessed Ramp Sill

Limited/no water performance

SI8000 G2 Sliding Doors – Water Performance


G2 Sliding Thermal Sill

G2 Sliding Thermal Sill – 5/8” Flat Sill With No Up Leg

Limited/no expected field water performance

G2 ADA Sill with Interior Flooring

1-1.5PSF expected field water performance
ADA Compliant*

G2 Sliding Thermal Sill – 117/32” Up Leg

4.5PSF expected field water performance

G2 Sliding Thermal Sill

G2 Sliding Thermal Sill – 25/16” Up Leg

8.4PSF expected field water performance

G2 Sliding Thermal Sill

G2 Sliding Thermal Sill – 3″ Up Leg

12PSF expected field water performance

* Custom order; subject to availability. Only available in Class 1 Clear Anodized finish


G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Sill

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Sill – 11/4” Integrated Up Leg

4.0PSF expected field water performance

Hurricane certified

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Sill

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Sill – 123/32” Up Leg

6.5PSF expected field water performance

Hurricane certified

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Sill

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Sill – 17/8” Up Leg

7.1PSF expected field water performance

Hurricane certified

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Sill – 1/2” Flat Sill With No Up Leg

Limited/no expected field water performance

ADA compliant

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Tile Sill

G2 Sliding Non-Thermal Tile Sill

Limited/no expected field water performance

Interior applications only

ADA compliant

SI8000 G3 Sliding Doors – Water Performance


G3 Sliding Thermal Sill

G3 Sliding Thermal Sill – 5/8” Flat Sill With No Up Leg

Limited/no expected field water performance

G3 Sliding Thermal Sill

G3 Sliding Thermal Sill – 117/32” Up Leg

4.5PSF expected field water performance

G3 Sliding Thermal Sill – 25/16” Up Leg

8.4PSF expected field water performance

G3 Sliding Thermal Sill

G3 Sliding Thermal Sill – 3″ Up Leg

12PSF expected field water performance

G3 Sliding ADA Tank Sill

12PSF expected field water performance

Can use exterior weep flaps or drain tubes

ADA compliant

Sliding Door and Lift Slide Sills - Water Performance

G3 Sliding ADA Sub Sill

3-4PSF expected field water performance
Can use exterior weep flaps or drain tubes
ADA compliant


G3 Sliding Non-Thermal Tile Sill

Limited/no expected field water performance

Interior applications only

ADA compliant

SI8000 G3 Lift-Slide Doors – Water Performance

G3 Lift-Slide Thermal Sill

G3 Lift-Slide Thermal Sill – 5/8” Flat Sill With No Up Leg

Limited/no expected field water performance

G3 Lift-Slide Thermal Sill

G3 Lift-Slide Thermal Sill – 11/2” Up Leg

8PSF expected field water performance

G3 Sliding Thermal Sill – 3″ Up Leg

12PSF expected field water performance

G3 Lift-Slide ADA Tank Sill

12PSF expected field water performance

Can use exterior weep flaps or drain tubes

ADA compliant

SI2000 G2 Terrace Doors – Water Performance


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

Standard Outswing Sill

Standard Outswing Sill

6PSF lab water performance

4PSF field water performance

High Performance Outswing Sill

High Performance Outswing Sill

10PSF lab water performance

6.67PSF field water performance


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

Standard Outswing Sill

Standard Outswing Sill

6PSF lab water performance

4PSF field water performance

High Performance Outswing Sill

High Performance Outswing Sill

Limited/no water performance


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

High Performance Inswing Sill

High Performance Inswing Sill

Not tested

High Performance Inswing Sill with Thermal Sill Pan

High Performance Inswing Sill with Thermal Sill Pan

4PSF lab water performance

2.67PSF field water performance


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

High Performance Inswing Sill

High Performance Inswing Sill

Not tested

High Performance Inswing Sill with Thermal Sill Pan

High Performance Inswing Sill with Thermal Sill Pan

4PSF lab water performance

2.67PSF field water performance

SI2000 G3 Terrace Doors – Water Performance


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

Standard Outswing Sill

Standard Outswing Sill

6PSF lab water performance

4PSF field water performance

High Performance Outswing Sill

High Performance Outswing Sill

10PSF lab water performance

6.67PSF field water performance


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

Standard Outswing Sill

Standard Outswing Sill

6PSF lab water performance

4PSF field water performance

High Performance Outswing Sill

High Performance Outswing Sill

10PSF lab water performance

6.67PSF field water performance


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

High Performance Inswing Sill

High Performance Inswing Sill

Not tested


ADA Sill

ADA Sill

Limited/no water performance

ADA compliant

High Performance Inswing Sill

High Performance Inswing Sill

Not tested

Florida Approved Products (FBC)

The Florida building code is a single statewide building system that regulates every company involved in the repair, construction, or alteration of structures. Prompted by a series of natural disasters in the early 1990s, it replaced a complex existing system of local regulations.

Solar’s product listings can be found on the Florida Building Code website: Florida Building Code.

Products include:

  • Terrace Doors
  • Pivot Doors
  • Folding Glass Walls
  • Stacking Glass Walls
  • Sliding Doors
  • Fixed Skylights


Based on the memorandum from the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, any product listed on the Florida Building Code Online which meets the state requirements for HVHZ is approved for use in both Miami-Dade and Broward counties of Florida. This allows for HVHZ products to be used in those counties even if the product is not listed on the Miami Dade Building Code website.

Products Include:

  • In/Outfold Folding Glass Wall (FGW) Panel System Non-Impact
  • Aluminum In/Outfold FGW 3 1/2 x 9 1/2 Impact
  • FGW 3X8 Panel Outfold All Wall Impact
  • FGW 3X8 Panel, 90 Degree Corner No Post, Infold, Impact
  • Infold Aluminum Reinforced FGW 3X8 Panel Impact
  • Outfold Aluminum Reinforced FGW 3X8 Panel Impact

Texas Approved Products (TDI)

Solar was previously added to TDI’s website for our Impact Resistant Curtain Walls and Store Front Systems, as well as our impact resistant side glazed fixed aluminum skylight/roof window.

Several Solar products have been listed on the Texas Department of Insurance website. TDI has approved several products to be installed along the Texas Gulf Coast.

Products include:

  • 102 Degree Corner Wood Curtain Wall
  • Thermally Broken Aluminum Glass Door Panels
  • Poly Wall Twin Aluminum Window with Polycarbonate Infill
  • 3 ½’ x 9 ½’ Aluminum Folding Glass Wall
  • Impact Resistant Pyramid Aluminum Fixed Skylights

Please Note: In addition to the testing standards listed, other standards monitor the internal Quality Management System of a manufacturer within many groups. Not only does NAMI monitor Solar Innovations®’s Internal Quality Management System, but it is also an external source of inspection for product certification to standards expressly for the type of products (fenestration) Solar Innovations® manufactures. Solar Innovations® will continue to ensure the quality of our products through the voluntary participation in the National Accreditation and Manufacturing Institute’s program.  As a proud manufacturer of NAMI, NFRC, and ENERGY STAR qualified products, Solar Innovations® stands behind the quality of the products we deliver to customers.