Growing Accessories
Solar Innovations® offers an aluminum trellis, intended for use with vining plants. The trellis bars have texture, which allows the plants to grip the metal frame and flourish. Solar Innovations®’s finish options prevent rotting or rusting, which may occur with other wood or metal systems.
The trellis consists of cross tie aluminum wire enclosed within a frame. All trellis systems are manufactured to order, and are available in two system options: single or stacked.
A single trellis features a traditional design, where the unit consists of only one large piece. Stacked trellises feature shorter segments connected by chains, and aligned atop one another. The trellis can be manufactured to fit custom height requirements with the stacked system.

Single Trellis
Single trellises are limited to one piece, but a smaller unit can be combined to reach any desired shape or height. The frame can be finished with one of Solar Innovations®’s standard colors or a custom color selection. The trellis will work with virtually any application: a greenhouse, an interior room, or an outside garden.