Research Greenhouses

A research greenhouse by Solar Innovations® is one of the best units available on the market today. Each greenhouse is completely custom to your specific job. We can create the desired controlled greenhouse environment if you are looking for a small lean-to greenhouse for casual study, or a large, passive, solar greenhouse for specific research. The greenhouse for your institution can be built to suit virtually any need or requirement. Any size and shape is possible with Solar’s systems.

Multiple Room Greenhouses

Many research greenhouses require multiple rooms for accurate reports and independent environments; Solar Innovations® can accommodate this need. Individual rooms can be built for potting plants, storing and applying pesticides, cold storage, composting, and “sick rooms” for diseased or unhealthy plants. Autoclave rooms are also available, as well as outdoor growing spaces. The outdoor growing spaces can be fitted with benches, any needed accessory, and shading to allow for optimal plant growth. These individual rooms can all be linked directly, via walkways, to the main greenhouse or can be completely free standing to avoid cross contamination. Multiple greenhouses are another option with Solar Innovations®. The greenhouses can again by linked together or be completely separate.

Environmental Control Systems

All of the accessories can be run by an environmental control system. This is a computerized system which operates all the accessories at specified times and frequencies and carefully regulates the research greenhouses’ environment.

The environmental control system is programmed to your research needs and removes any guess work or inconsistency in growing plants. Alarms can be added to the control system to alert a researcher should any of the accessories malfunction.

Multiple zones can be created within the greenhouse to keep each study separate. Each zone can be fitted with its own set of accessories and control system. All of Solar Innovations, Inc. research greenhouses are constructed with durable aluminum frames which will not warp, rot, or require constant finish maintenance. The aluminum is sterile compared to wood and will not alter your research reports.

Polycarbonate Glazing

Polycarbonate Glazing

Glass or polycarbonate can be used as the glazing within the framework of research greenhouses. Polycarbonte tends to be less expensive but may cause unequal shading and variation in light filtration. Glass will typically last longer than polycarbonate and allows for even amounts of sunlight penetration into the greenhouse. A new technology in greenhouse glazing is utilizing LowE glazings. This is a glass selection which cuts down on the amount of UV rays that enter the greenhouse which, depending on the specimens being studied, can be beneficial. The LowE glazing reduces the amount of direct sunlight to plants and can be used in growing plants which require shading, such as orchids and tropical species.


A successful research greenhouse controls the temperature, humidity, photo period, light intensity, carbon dioxide levels, and plant irrigation. Solar Innovations® offers greenhouse equipment that will manage these needs:

  • Ventilation by way of windows, ridge vents, and eave sashes help to balance temperature.
  • Humidity is controlled with fans which circulate fine water into the air, called humidifiers and foggers. Photo period and light intensity is manipulated by way of growing>lights. Numerous varieties are available depending on the plants being studied and desired outcome.
  • Carbon dioxide levels are monitored and burners are available to achieve the correct amount for the plants.
  • Irrigation can be controlled with misting systems and drip systems which are programmed to water at specified times, for a certain amount of time, and also the amount of water dispersed.

Beyond the accessories listed above, Solar Innovations® also provides other accessories, such as circulation fans, shutter fans, benches, and shading systems along with heating and cooling sources.