Window and Door Installation
Window and Door Installation can consist of many individual parts or entire units. Solar Innovations, Inc. recommends using an experienced installer, because these units require delicate precession and expertise to properly install. Team members can complete the folding glass wall installation, within a 6 hour radius of Pine Grove, Pennsylvania when an entire unit is purchased factory direct from Solar Innovations, Inc or if a unit is purchased through a dealer who does not provide service work.
Outside of this radius, Solar can provide customers with certified dealer and installers to complete their installation. When choosing a direct installation, the customer can be assured the technicians completing the installation are expertly trained to install Solar’s products.
Solar Innovations® has nearly 20 years of on-site installation experience and has worked in any condition imaginable. We can provide installation and service work for all of our products within a six-hour radius of Pine Grove, PA, whether a product is purchased factory-direct or through our dealer network. Our expertly trained team is registered to complete installation and service work in 23 states. When utilizing our installation services, an experienced team will be scheduled to install the project upon completion and preparation of the shipment. Our installation team is trained in the correct protocols to ensure safe, efficient, and accurate system installation. When choosing a direct installation, customers can rest assured knowing their project is being installed by a qualified installation crew that knows the products.
For projects with their own contractors and glaziers, Solar can provide on-site supervisors to give advice, help start the installation, and oversee the entire installation if needed.
Solar’s nationwide dealer network can also act as the installer. However, when a customer requests to have his or her own contractor complete the installation, Solar recommends choosing a contractor who is familiar with glazed products and who will thoroughly review the provided installation guide prior to project commencement. We can provide a list of nearby installation teams for any project outside of Solar’s installation radius.
If you have questions regarding folding glass wall installation, feel free to contact your Solar Innovations, Inc. representative today at 800-618-0669 or [email protected]. Providing job site photos of the unit’s perspective opening will allow our representative to more accurately assess your situation.