Lean-to greenhouses with low light are sometimes not able to naturally produce the amount of sunlight required to grow certain plants. Adding grow lights is a quick and easy solution for a lack of natural light. The greenhouse experts at Solar Innovations, Inc. recommend using grow lights with metal halide or high pressure sodium bulbs.
Metal halide lights mimic traditional sunlight, giving off a blue tint. Therefore, plants will grow fuller when placed under a metal halide lamp. This type of grow light has a life expectancy of 20,000 hours and is often used to extend daylight growing hours.
High pressure sodium grow lights (HPS), on the other hand, produce a yellow glow. They have a life expectancy of 24,000 hours (around five years) and are recommended for use in greenhouses that already have a sufficient amount of light. HPS lights are often used by gardeners wishing to produce more plants.
If your greenhouse is experiencing a lack of natural sunlight, or you want to extend the daylight growing hours for your plants, contact a Solar Innovations, Inc. representative to find out which grow light and other greenhouse accessories are right for you.