
Vineyard Ecosystem Stability

Vineyard Ecosystem Stability

Plant selection and spacing are intricate details that need to be incorporated into any vineyard ecosystem.  For Solar Innovations, Inc.’s vineyard project, specific plants, seeds, and layouts were used to ensure the successful and continual growth of the vineyard.  White, red, and purple clovers were installed around and between the trellises to increase the pollination […]

Implementing a Vineyard

Implementing a Vineyard

Once you have committed to a vineyard and made the initial decisions, you must determine the future size of the project.  Planning early for the long term goals will help to ensure success.  Solar Innovations, Inc.’s vineyard team decided to start small, but with a scalable solution for future growth (one to two rows of […]

Simple Home or Greenhouse Aquaponics Kit

Simple Home or Greenhouse Aquaponics Kit

Simple Home or Greenhouse Aquaponics Kit Have you ever thought of venturing into Aquaponics? The above link provides information on a very user friendly version of an Aquaponics kit that could be set up anywhere. it would be especially helpful in a small greenhouse!

Solar Innovations, Inc. Grows Cucumbers

Solar Innovations, Inc. Grows Cucumbers

Greenhouses are limited in space, and are quickly filled with plants.  Large vegetables like cucumbers and watermelons are often not grown in a greenhouse because they require much space.  Our benches are no different in the greenhouses.  In order to grow a cucumber this year we are growing vertically.  An English cucumber seedling was planted […]