
6 Reasons to Grow Your Own Produce this Summer

It’s no secret that growing your own food can be a very rewarding hobby. With a greenhouse from Solar Innovations®, you can grow your vegetables year-round and have fresh produce in the cold winter months. Here are a few benefits you can gain from growing your own food: Improves Your Eating Habits Cultivating your own […]

4 Benefits of Growing Vegetables in Your Garden this Spring

The idea of growing vegetables in your garden is far from a foreign concept, especially considering all of the health benefits that they can provide. Things like better nutrition, vitamins, and natural antioxidants are only a few of the common advantages of veggies. In addition to being good for your body, vegetables can also help […]

Looking Back to Plan Ahead: Gardening Tips for the New Season

The end of winter is just around the corner and if you haven’t started thinking about what you’re going to plant in your garden this spring, now’s the time to get a move on. If you’re not sure what you want to do yet for the new season, take the time to sit back and […]

Add Some Spice to Your Life: Growing the Carolina Reaper

This time of year brings the summer heat, but you can also bring the heat to your garden this summer by planting Carolina Reaper seeds. The Carolina Reaper is the hottest pepper in the world, currently holding the Guinness World Record for a 2.2 Million Scoville Heat Unit rating. The pepper  originated in a South […]

Condensation in the Winter

Condensation in the Winter

Winter has officially arrived and with the cold weather comes condensation. Condensation is created when gaseous humidity and water vapor convert to a liquid as a sudden drop in temperature occurs at the surface with which it interacts. Condensation forms on windows, doors, and even the walls of a room when the outside temperature is […]