Greenhouse Restoration
Antique greenhouses often require restoration services. Countless greenhouses have been installed throughout the world over the past 100 years. These greenhouses often fall into a state of disrepair. These greenhouses may possess problems ranging from broken or missing glass to foggy glass that is slipping out of the framing. Allow Solar Innovations®’s greenhouse restoration services to restore these structures to their former glory instead of removing them.
Even antique greenhouses that remain standing with all of their glass in place can benefit from Solar Innovations®’s greenhouse restoration services. These greenhouses often employ single pane glass which is extremely inefficient. Temperatures will soar in the summer, and during the winter the greenhouse will be uninhabitable. Solar Innovations® can re-glaze the structure during the greenhouse restoration process. Solar Innovations® can even salvage the existing frame in some cases and provide energy efficient replacement glass.
Solar Innovations® can also provide doors and windows that possess the proper historic aesthetic to match your structure. Solar Innovations® is able to achieve a historic look while providing energy efficiency and durability.
While greenhouse restoration is often used to bring a historic greenhouse back to its former glory, the addition of modern amenities (like heating and cooling) can provide owners with added functionality. The addition of a heating or cooling system, environmental control system, or replacement decorative elements will allow end users to enjoy their historic greenhouse with the enhanced functionality provided by modern options.
Solar Innovations® offers a framing unit known as the “restoration” system. This framing system features a profile that mimics historic greenhouse designs. The framing system is manufactured from maintenance-free, durable aluminum and provides an antique aesthetic. This system is perfect for greenhouse restoration but it can also be used to construct a new structure with historic appeal.
Whether you will be undertaking a complete greenhouse restoration or simply restoring select aspects of an existing structure, please contact a Solar Innovations® representative at 800-618-0669 or [email protected].