Window and Door Replacement
Window and door replacement is necessary when components of a folding glass wall can break, chip, or shatter if proper care is not taken. Fortunately, Solar Innovations, Inc.’s team of experts can easily perform folding glass wall replacement services. Solar representatives can work with customers to properly size a piece of replacement glass or perform a complete replacement of the unit. Energy efficiency will be greatly boosted when replacing glass in a folding glass wall. Solar Innovations, Inc. uses glass that features stainless steel spaces, LowE tints, and even warranty options up to 20 years in most circumstances.
Hardware associated with a folding glass wall can break or require replacement if proper planning was not taken against the elements and environment; these handle may skew or even suffer rust in coastal areas. Solar Innovations, Inc. offers replacement handles with stainless steel options that will withstand harsh coastal environments. Aging flush bolts and trolleys can be removed and replaced with new durable parts.
If you have purchased a home that possesses an “ancient” folding glass wall, the glass may be foggy and the handles may not work properly. There is also a good chance sections of the frame are rotting if the door is made of wood. If this is the case, the door is most likely beyond restoration and it would be more cost effective to perform a complete folding glass wall replacement.
Solar Innovations, Inc.’s in-house team of designers and engineers will work to provide you with the ideal folding glass wall for your opening. To speak with a Solar Innovations, Inc. representative about a folding glass wall replacement, please contact us today at 800-618-0669 or [email protected].